It all started with Chile…

A few years back I traveled down there by myself with my mountain bike and one goal -- To ride new trails in some big mountains for 3 months. The mountain bike community down there welcomed me with open arms. I was lucky to ride some of the best trails in Chile and make life-long friends along the way. The experience from Chile taught me that the mountain bike community is world-wide, but also quite small with a common goal. To ride awesome trails with good people in awesome places. That is what Ride Local is all about- great trails, better company. Fostering global cultural connections through exploring local trail systems in amazing locations. Trips designed to showcase not only the best trails, but also the local communities around them. Eat and sleep at the finest local restaurants and accommodations, and ride incredible trails with awesome local guides. All at a reasonable price point. We look forward to riding with you!

-Jeremy Kipp
Founder of Ride Local


Ride Local Accolades

  • 3 to 1 rider to guide ratio. Best in the industry.

  • Trips designed for groups with the lowest group pricing. Only company to offer tiered pricing for different group sizes.

  • Single rider best price guarantee. If you are just one person registering for our trips and there is a group also registered for that trip. You will pay the equivalent group price.

  • Source local guides from each of our destinations to assist with our trips. All of whom rip on mountain bikes and know the area personally.

  • Best local accommodations and restaurants, as recommended by our local guides.

  • Only company that includes a professional mountain bike mechanic to attend on all trips.

  • Unique trips to locations not offered by any other company.


Our Local Commitment

  • For each of our trip destinations we source the best local guides, all of whom are experienced mountain bikers. They represent the trails and communities around them, providing local knowledge of the area.

  • Support locally owned hotels and restaurants, as recommended by our local guides.

  • From trail maintenance to a shuttle driver we hire local residents to assist us on our trips.

  • All snacks provided for our rides are sourced by companies from the region.

We knew the journey through Huaraz was going to be epic when we saw the high white peaks of the Cordillera Blanca… First riding around the black mountain range, which overlooks the white range. We rode crazy fast grassy trails that turned into steep technical tracks down low… North to Caraz, a smaller town with awesome multi flavored ice cream, you can see a few of the routes in the surrounding mountains. The tracks around Caraz delivered some very rocky and technical rides worthy of challenging all our skills… Riding around Peru’s highest peaks was one of the most fun and beautiful, yet challenging adventures I’ve ever done. One of those lifetime experiences I’ll always remember!
Ulises Pacheco
Guadalajara, Mexico
I was absolutely blown away by everything Peru had to offer. The culture and riding was everything that I hoped for. Bryan, our guide, made sure everything ran smoothly with his extensive local knowledge. You will never find it on the internet but the best downhill trail I’ve ever ridden is just above Caraz. Think of all your favorite moves in Moab stacked on top of each other for three thousand vertical feet. The best part is that you can then hop back in the van and do it all again…
Tim Speca
Crested Butte, CO